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Bohemian Art Gallery "La Bohème Artistique"

10827 Berlin-Berlin, Deutschland
4 Zimmer5 Lage der Location85 qm WohnflächeBarrierefreiToiletten

"La Bohème artistique" is a Bohemian Art space in Schöneberg created to host art events with typical Berliner vibe. It serves as a gallery, yoga and dance studio, tango event location and photo-/ video setting. It is equipped as a fully comfortable flat in the back with all essentials (bathroom with walk-in-shower, sink and WC, another extra toilet, fully equipped kitchen, sleeping room with desk area and big wardrobes, a washing chamber) and in the front the spacious Gallery rooms, that are connected through a beautiful Bohemian arch. The large open salon is decorated with minimal light furniture in Bohemian Style, all authentic, historic and individual. The warm atmosphere of the old building and space inspires to be creative, you feel like in another time and at the same time it offers a comfortable stay and immersion in a real Berliner ambience.

Fassaden: Ziegel / Klinker, Naturstein, Putz, Sichtbeton, Stuck- , Ornament
Epoche: Barock / Rokoko (1660 – 1770)
Baustand: Altbau
Raumhöhe: Sehr hoch (> 3,50m)
Verfügbarkeit: Mittelfristig (1 Woche Vorlauf)
Anschlüsse: Normalstrom, Wasser
Rauchen erlaubt?: Nein
Helen Bergmann(Motivgeber, Hauptkontakt)
Bei öffentlichen Motiven ist die zuständige Behörde zu kontaktieren

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