Toni Hervida

Private Contact



"Sin Querer-Zeit der Flamingos" von Ciro Cappellari, Aufnameleiterleiter
"Oro nazi" von Rolo Pereyra, Produktionsleietr.
"12 Tangos, adios Buenos Aires" von Arne Birkenstock, Produktionsleiter.


Kameramann bei Proof & Sons GmbH / Deutsche Cocktailmeisterschaft
Kameramann Embassy of Jamaica
Kameramann bei Deutsche Welle TV in Argentina /Economía creativa
Producer bei Kato Prod/ Canal 7 SE - Ciudades de Tango
Kameramann bei P&S GmbH. Campari Deutschland GmbH. BCB.
Autor and production manager bei df-pressedienst, P&S, Grafenstein GmbH,
Natur braucht Platz, Regie.
Berlin & Asociados, (Work in progress)


Producer and autor ITB 2016 NTN24 / RCN Kolumbien Proof & Sons, Grafenstein GmbH
Content producer df-pressedienst


Autor and production manager / Kuba Spezial DoppioTV:
Nostalgische Zeitreise: Havannas bunte Oldtimer.
Spannend und kontrastreich: Havannas geheime Hotspots
Seeabenteuer: Eine Seefahrt im kubanischen Varadero.
Rum ? Kubas Export Schlager.
Das Tal des Tabaks: Ein Besuch in Pinar del Rio.
Ein Blick hinter den Bauzaun: Das Kapitol in Havanna
Karibische Lebensfreude: Salsa und Schlemmen in Havanna
News and content producer in Germany for Telam, Argentine national news agency.
News and content producer at df-pressedienst Berlin.
Content producer at Opera TV and ar-tv Cine.
Content producer Right Cut Media Miami for Fox Sports


Executive producer for Opera TV, Promiflash.
Founder of the df-pressedienst agency.
Content producer for Celebrity News AG.
News and content producer for Com. Iberoamericana, Madrid.
Content producer for TB Media Agentur.
Cameraman ?Sudestada? Clip M. Barillas


Chief editor of the Spanish and Portuguese international services by dapd Nachrichtenagentur GmbH.

News and content producer for: Opera-TV, Video-In B. Aires, E'topia inc. New York. Patern Noster (AT) (Work in Progress) Producer and Author
News and content producer for the Government of Argentina, Gas y Petroleo del Neuque?n S.A.

Executive producer for:
Hinter fremden Gidern (Story House Produc]ons GmbH)
Research in Argen]na and Colombia. Produc]on Manager
Lichtblau - Der Himmel u?ber Mexiko (Berengar Pfahl Film GmbH) Services Berlin
Gemeinsam gegen HIV (M. Hardung) Cameraman & Field Producer (South Africa)
Parents of the world (Blue Eyes / Kabel 1)Production Manager in Argentina
Audi - 24 H Happiness Producer (Spain, Germany, Ireland and France)
DAH - Germans in Buenos Aires (DAH Museum)
Production Manager Argentina
Die im Schatten sieht man nicht (BR / AR-TV CINE)Autor and Producer
Patern Noster (AT) (Work in Progress)
News, Editorial & Other TV Content (for RAI, BR, Sat-1, DW-TV, MDR a.o.)
Cameraman for more than 90 clips & items



German, Italian, Argentinean
English: fluent
Italian: basic
Portuguese: intermediate
Spanish: native
Delegate prod., ENG camera, Directors of photography, Freelance prod., Unit prod. managers, Directors, Video-producers / video-journalists
Accommodation options
Überall wo 5 Sterne Hotels sich befinden..


Die Akte Kyburg (Short documentary)
Directors Toni Hervida - Peter Hell TV Channel:

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