
German, British
German: fluent
English: native
French: basic
Asst. to line prod., Loc. assistants, Prod. coordinators
Preferred working area

- Produktion / Production

- Motiv-AL Assistenz / Location Mgr. Asst.

- Koordinierung / Coord.

Accommodation options
Berlin, Südost/SE England, Glasgow, Edinburgh

Experience & skills


BBFC: Motiv-AL/Locations Training 2022
Focal, CH: Produktionsleitung/LP
Erich Pommer Inst.: div. Themen/various
Media Business School, ES: Koproduktion/Coprod.
Binger Inst., Amsterdam: Drehbuchanalyse/Screenplay analysis
National Film & TV Sch., GBR: div. Themen/various
Maine Film Workshops, USA: Produktionsleitung/Regieassistenz (im US-System)/UPM-AD-LP
AICP, USA (Koordination: Werbespots)
Univ. of Bridgeport, USA (BFA, Kinoproduktion/Film Production)

Experience abroad
Canada, United Kingdom, United States
Car class
Special skills

- Drehplanung/Scheduling
- Kalkulation/Budgeting D+International:

- Produktion/Production

- Motiv-AL (Assistenz)/Location Mgr. Asst.

- MMB/MMS (auch als Ausbilder/also as trainer)

Own equipment

MacBook Pro
Movie Magic Budgeting v10
Movie Magic Scheduling v6
Final Draft

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