Bernardo Sena

Private Contact

My background is extremely varied as I have experience and awareness of several areas within the creative field:

Professionally trained in film/video production for both offline and online, from pre-production to post-production, and from above-the-line to below-the-line in terms of skillset.

Expertise in assisting and coordinating creative projects in the film industry, online media, arts, and cultural sectors. Specialised in creative development, writing and directing.

I have a strong visual understanding and in-depth knowledge of the arts, philosophy, psychology, cultural trends - specifically from the Internet as well as generational.



Portuguese, American
German: intermediate
English: native
French: fluent
Portuguese: native
Spanish: fluent
Creative prod., Development prod., Producer-directors, Screenwriters, Script consultants

Experience & skills


University of WestminsterUniversity of Westminster
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Cinematography and Film & TV ProductionBachelor of Arts (B.A.), Cinematography and Film & TV Production
Sep 2002 - Aug 2005

Brussels School of Arts UccleBrussels School of Arts Uccle
Undergraduate Certificate in Cinematographic Arts, Cinematographic Studies & Visual ArtsUndergraduate Certificate in Cinematographic Arts, Cinematographic Studies & Visual Arts
Sep 2001 - Aug 2002

Experience abroad
Algeria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, United States
Car class
Special skills

Graphic design, web design, marketing, presentation, concept development, creative writing, casting, location scouting, project management, design thinking, audio-visual editing, digital literacy proficiency.

Further references

Associated and worked with directors and producers: Boris Lehman, Benoît Pooelvoorde, Damon Packard, Margaret Williams, Richard Stanley, Ken Russell, Mike Figgis, Professor Hans-Joachim Berndt, Harald Siebler, Ralf Schmerberg, and Simon Verhoeven.

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