Hotel Luther Birke Wittenberg

Am Teich 1, 06889 Lutherstadt Wittenberg-Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany
40 Room3 Floors7000 qm Property1000 qm Living spaceRestroom

Einzel-,Doppel,- und Mehrbettzimmer, Superior Zimmer, Familienzimmer auch im Fachwerkhaus,
7000m2 Grundstück, Biergarten, Terrasse,

Facades: Half-timbering, Plastered, Exposed concrete
Epoch: Historism (1820 – 1918)
Construction year: 1867
Build status: Old building
Ceiling height: Normal (2,40-2,80m)
Availability: Long-term (more than 1 week lead time)
Smoking allowed?: No
Hotel & Restaurant Zur Spreewälderin
Uwe Pfeiffer(Location proprietor, Permit giver, Main contact)
In the case of public locations, contact the competent authority

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