Das Glashaus in der Uckermark

17291 Nordwestuckermark-Nordwestuckermark, Germany
4 Room1 Floors1800 qm Property180 qm Living spaceAccessibleRestroomEco-electricity

Einzigartiges Haus mit Glasdach in der Uckermark. Perfekte Symbiose aus Haus und Garten und Kalksandstein, Holz und Glas.

Facades: Glass, Clinker brick, Plastered
Epoch: 21st century
Construction year: 2022
Build status: New building
Ceiling height: Normal (2,40-2,80m)
Availability: Medium-term (1 week lead time)
Utility connections: Normal power, Water
Smoking allowed?: No
Bastian Weidemann(Location proprietor, Main contact)
In the case of public locations, contact the competent authority

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